b. heat treatment. Heat treatment is understood to be any
thermal process which brings about a modification in the
mechanical and metallurgical properties of the metal involved.
6.12 Hardness test. The surface preparation requirement of may be eliminated if the following conditions are met:
(1) Lab results confirm that current production process
produces a decarburized zone of .003 inch maximum in the test
area. The contractor should provide samples, or photo-
micrographs, of high and low hardness samples to the Government
for approval. Samples may be the same as for
(2) A controlled atmosphere is maintained in the
austenitizing furnace.
6.13 Critical classification notes.
6.13.1 Ultrasonic test. Metal parts defects, except
rotating band gaps, large enough to fail by ultrasonic test of
the explosive loaded projectile are likely to cause premature
functioning from break-up of the projectile in the gun during
6.13.2 Ballistic lot acceptance test. Any premature
projectile function or metal parts separation in the gun or in
flight is likely to cause injury or death for the Soldier firing
or supported by the howitzer.
6.13.3 Rotating band failure. Loss of a rotating band in
flight or in bore may result in projectile instability and
subsequently a short round potentially resulting in injury or
death for Soldiers in the field.
6.13.4 Shearing of rotating band. A sheared rotating band
may result in a failure of the projectile to fully spin up,
resulting in projectile instability and subsequently a short
round potentially resulting in injury or death for Soldiers in
the field.
6.14 Packaging Drawings. Drawings listed in this section
are for reference only. The government's current packaging for
the M107 Metal Parts Assembly as defined by Technical Data
Package (TDP) 9362569 and 12914619, is included for reference.
If the contractor chooses to build to the current approved TDP
(9362569 and 12944449) the Government will waive the testing
required to meet the First Article performance test requirements
of the packaging specification. The contractor may use the
information contained in the TDP as guidance for its own design.
Unless otherwise noted, the custodian of the following drawings
is the U.S. Army Tank-Automated Command- Armament Research,
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